John Abbazia, 07/13/2004, E-Mail at [email protected] . "C" Flight Security & LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: RAF Woodbridge 1963 to 1966. Lived on base. Comments: If I made one more stripe I would have been a lifer. Loved it and think this site is great thanks John. Found several buddies I from 40 years ago. Would like to hear from Kenneth H. Campbell.
Dan Abboud, 03/14/2009, E-Mail at [email protected] . "A" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: Jan 1988 to Aug 1990. Live on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Woodbridge. Comments: Had some great times at Woody base. Worked with alot of great people, Larry Castro, Shawn Beahan, Kevin Scales, Becky Templin, Dave Harris, Freddy Abshire, Brian Wickett, Mario Baker to name a few. Retired now back in the great state of Nebraska. Good site brings back some good memories.
Freddie Abshire, 12/22/2005, E-Mail at [email protected] . "B", "C" & "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: Nov 1987 - Nov 1989. Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Woodbridge. Comments: An awesome assignment. I've stayed in touch with a few friends, and lost touch with others. Would love to hear from anyone who remembers me.
Thomas Ackerman, 7/27/12, Email: [email protected] . Security or LE & Years at RAFs: 1985 thru 1988. Comments: Would like to reconnect with my former SP brothers.
Ronny Adamse, 05/17/2010, E-Mail at [email protected] . "C" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1989 - 1991. Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters, 2nd floor, middle room facing tennis courts. Could see boots of SP's that left hanging in tree. Comments: I remember, Dan Stolts, Robert Ferrari, Mike Knowles, David Young, others I remember faces but names elude me. I'm in touch with a few on FB.
Ben Adkins, 7/22/12, Email: [email protected] . Security or LE & Years at RAFs: '76 to '78.
Richard Aguirre, 12/18/2005, E-Mail at [email protected] . "A" Flight LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: Aug 1979 - Jan 1981. Live on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Worked as an LE Specialist on both bases. Comments: My wife, Cathy Schmoldt, was also stationed there during the same time period. I boxed and played softball (fast and slow pitch) for the base. I am looking for an email address for Lou Torres and Mike Christian, who were my roomates at different periods of time.
Richard Albon, 02/19/2005, E-Mail at [email protected] . "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: Woodbridge, 1960 to 1963. Lived on base.
Charlie Alesi, 06/29/2011, E-Mail at [email protected] . Security or LE?: Neither. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1971-1973. Live on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters. Comments:
Photo Radar Intelligence Specialist. Spent many nights at the NCO club at Bentwaters. English girlfriend: Diane Ottywill.
Rob "Big Al" Alfred, 02/01/2010, E-Mail at [email protected] . "B" & "C" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: Oct 1981 thru Oct 1983. Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Worked both bases. Comments: This is Big Al, feel free to contact me anytime. Remember Big Al's Snack Shop?Chris (Singh) Ammons, 02/01/2003, E-Mail at [email protected] . "A" & "C" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: Dec 1986 - Dec 1988. Live on & off base. Comments: I enjoyed my time at Bentwaters. A lot happened in those two years. I would like to get in contact with Ben Roberson and Jeanne Painter.. two good friends I lost contact with. I would enjoy hearing from anyone whom I served with.
Randall D Amstutz, 01/22/2005, E-Mail at [email protected] . "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: Woodbridge 1968 -Nov 1971. Lived on base. Comments: Was On D Flight With Tsgt. Carrol P Knuckles. August of 1969 I went to K-9.
Andy Anderson, 08/24/2006, Webpage at: http://[email protected] . E-Mail at: [email protected] . "A" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1969 to 1972. Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters. Comments: All my friends knew me as Andy. Played football in 1970 with Jim Dickerson, Big Red, Henry Barrett, Wes,and many more. Knew all the basketball players, Al Love, Jack Jackson, Alan Mills, Bones, Brown, Garrett and a lot more people on the yard.
Brian Anderson, 08/03/2005, E-Mail at [email protected] . "A" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: September 1983 - October 1986. Lived on & off base. Comments: I also worked in the Armory with Stu Logsdon,Mike Sharp, Burt Hillman and Harry Shover. Did a lot of carpooling with Mark Smith and Dennis Crowner from Felixstowe. Great times.
Kate Anderson, 12/08/2003, E-Mail at [email protected] . D Flight Security July 89- July 91.
Leif "Andy" Anderson, 06/16/2009, E-Mail at [email protected] . "B" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1988-1992. Lived on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters. Comments: I stumbled on this site and it brought back quite a few hazy group of guys (and gals) with whom I've ever worked. I hope you are all doing well.
Stephen Anderson, 11/21/2008, E-Mail at [email protected] . "A" & "C" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: October 1975 - December 1978. Lived on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? C Flight Bentwaters/A Flight Woodbridge.
Chuck Ardizzone, 04/10/2003, E-Mail at [email protected] . "A", "B" & "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: June 1989 - June 1992. Lived on & off base. Comments: Was a shift commander at Bentwaters and for a time at Woodbridge. Love my time there and all the people I worked with. I really miss the place. I am currently a Wildlife Biologist working in Alaska. I would love to hear from other SP's I worked with.
Mike Aris, 03/15/2010, E-Mail at [email protected] . "C" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1976 to 1980. Lived on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters. Comments: it was good to serve with great people. have a great day.
Chris Armold, 06/24/2002, Webpage at , E-Mail at [email protected] . "C" Flight LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: July 1979 to July 1981. Lived on base. Comments: I lived in the dorm where Dave Paine was my room dog. I worked worked C Flight Law Enforcement for TSgt Bob Holland. I had some involvement in the vastly overblown and bogus UFO situation. (Burroughs, Penniston, Halt and others certainly worked hard to get their 15 minutes of fame. Isnt' it interesting how they they can't prove zip yet want others to prove that "something didn't happen" Yeah, that makes sense!) I Retired from the USAF after 20 years as a MSgt. Attained my BS, and a dual masters degree. I've written a couple books ,and did free lance writing and photography covering the Green Bay Packers. I Currently own a business. I've been married for almost 20 years and yes I still love to rock out. I'd love to hear from anyone who thinks they new me. Especially Larry "Crash" McCabe, TSgt Bob Holland or other C Flight LE types.
Michael Atwell, E-Mail [email protected] . "D" Flight LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: From Feb 1990 until Feb 1992. Lived on base. Comments: I had a great time at Bentwaters. I am still looking for Sgt Bob Ferrari (from Chicago), Tsgt "Bud" Miller (had twin sons), Doug Driessen, Mike Reimer, Jennifer Freel (name spelling?...From Mass.), Ricky Stewart (from Indiana).
Greg "Droopy" Autry, 02/28/2008, E-Mail at [email protected] . "A" & "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1983 - 1986. Lived off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Both.
Ray Ayers, 1st Sgt, 07/10/2001, E-Mail at [email protected]. Comments: Looking for Burt Hamner, NCOIC investigations 1964-67 Bentwaters. Last contact Tuy hoa Viet Nan
Kevin Bachynski, 11/02/2007, E-Mail at [email protected] . "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1984-1986. Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Covered both Bentwaters and Woodbridge. Comments: Was the Flight Sergeant for "D" Flight and spent a short time as the acting First Sergeant for the Squadron. Went with the flight for the Air Base Ground Defense Exercise Salty Demo at Spandgdahlem AB Germany in 1985 and was there when Bentwaters hosted Brave Defender 85, another ABGD exercise. TSgt Steve Tanner was my counterpart of the LE side. Michael LaPointe, David Canty, Derek Hobbs and Clyde Riggnebach were part of D Flight. Clyde was married to Deanne Riggenbach who worked LE. Donna Harrington was another member of D Flight LE. Lived on base sort of, the senior NCO bachelor quarters at Martlesham Heath near Ipswich. They were real nice quarters after the remodel.
Ken Baer, 7/6/14, Email: [email protected] . Security or LE & Years at RAFs: Security 1972-1976
Robert Bahde, 10/29/2004, E-Mail at [email protected] . "A" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: Bentwaters from 7/75 thru 6/77. Lived on & off base. Comments: Assigned to A shift under MSgt Lombardo. Left the Air Force in June of 1977 and am currently a Sergeant with the Sarpy County Sheriffs Office in Nebraska. Had joined the Air Force on the buddy plan with Mike Eggen. Was told about this site by Robert Snyder, who was one of the first friends I met after arrriving at Bentwaters. Would love to hear from anybody who was there during this time.
Daniel Baldwin, 09/04/2005, E-Mail at [email protected] . "B" Flight LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: 83 - 85. Lived on base. Comments: Also on Echo Flight.
Darryl Baldwin, 01/03/2002, E-Mail at [email protected] . "A" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: "78 - '80. Lived off base. Comments: I played Phantoms football for two seasons. My Flight Sgt was my coach!
Thomas V. Baldwin, 03/03/2009, E-Mail at [email protected] . "B" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: Sept 1958 to Sept 1961. Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Woodbridge. Comments: Four of us came from Ellington AFB, Texas together, and were stationed at Bentwaters for 3 days. Transferred to Shepards Grove and then on to Woodbridge in Dec. Worked Security in the 78 and 79 TFS Alert Areas.
James Ball, 01/08/2005, E-Mail at [email protected] . "A", "B" & "C" Flight LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1984 -1989. Lived on & off base. Comments: Looking for old friends.
Susan Ball, 02/10/2009, E-Mail at [email protected] . Security or LE?: Neither. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1967 to 1969. Live on or off base?: On, Off. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters. Comments: Civilian working in Base Locator office. Had more fun in those years than I have since. My boss was SSgt Patrick James O'Shea.
Kevin Banks, 08/10/2010, E-Mail at [email protected] . "B" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1978-1980. Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters. Comments: Stationed at Bentwaters / 81st SPS. Was on B flight 1878-1980. Enjoyed my time at the base and in UK. I miss my time there and wished I had stayed in AF to retirement.
Paul Barnett, 07/19/2001, E-Mail at [email protected] . "A" & "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 66-70. Lived on & off base. Comments: Great times. TDY to France in May 67 to close bases and to Libya for June 6 war. A & D Flts and even a day job for a while. Like to contact anyone, especially Bill Cunningham.
Linda Barr (formerly Kerr), 07/15/2007, E-Mail at [email protected] . Period of Stay at RAFs: Feb 1977 to 1979. Lived on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters- Started in Training Section (Admin); moved to Pass and ID. Comments: Married Dale Kerr "D" Flight Commander; divorced in 1997. Married another retired Security Police- Greg Barr in 2006.
George H. Barrett, CMSgt, USAF (Ret), 02/02/2006, E-Mail at [email protected] . Security & LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: RAF Alconbury - 1958 - 61. Live off base. welcome to the website George!
Thomas Barrett, 11/17/13, Email at [email protected] . Comments: Ran S/LE ops from 1960-62. My wife and I lived off- base in Snape the entire time and spent lots of time enjoying our English hosts. I had a great tour at B/W and left the AF upon return stateside. Revisited Woodbridge area about 1990 and found B/W gone and RAF Woodbridge with a new mission. In the area, the small farms had been aggregated into large agri-businesses and the general atmosphere changed so much we felt like total strangers. Security or LE & Years at RAFs: Operations Officer 1960-62.
Linn Barringer, 07/24/2001, Webpage at . E-Mail at [email protected] . Period of Stay at RAFs: Occasional days since 1997, visiting the closed base. Comments: I just wanted to let you all know that I have a general web site about the Bentwaters/Woodbridge Twin Bases (almost nothing about alleged UFOs). Hundreds of photos from the 50s to the 90s, and other contributions from airmen to Colonel Wacker, some from SPs, such as Lori Rehfeldt, Dick Shively, Ray Young who submitted a fine shot of "Best Large SP Unit in USAFE 1988" which includes Lt.Col. Oliver D. Towns but several others, including K-9, whose names are needed - see
Carlo Barsotti, 07/11/2001, E-Mail at [email protected] . "C" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1982-1984. Lived on base. Comments: 2 Great years. I miss the friends I made there
Ramon Barthelemy, 06/04/2006, E-Mail at [email protected] . "C" & "D" Flight Security & LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1980 to 1984 K-9 section. Lived on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Both. Comments: I was a dog handler (drug dog) from 1980 to 1984 married in Woodbrige town to a GI. Like to talk to Ron Holcomb, good friend. Steve Robinson dog handler. Hi to all SP both LE and Ss and K9. I am now in Kirkuk, Iraq as an International Police Adviser, after retiring as Police Officer in Michigan. just wrote to say Hi.
Gary Battles, 01/01/2011, E-Mail at [email protected] . "A" & "B" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: Nov 1985 to Nov 1987. Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters.
Don Beckwith, 7/16/12, Email: [email protected] . Security or LE & Years at RAFs: 1983-87. Comments: I was in the Comm Sq. Work in Rapcon and both BTW and WDB Contro Towers
James F. Beer, 07/30/2009, E-Mail at [email protected] . "D" Flight Security, LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: April 1965-April 1968. Lived on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Woodbridge. Comments: One of the best assignment I had. Lived in Ipswich. Love to hear from old friends. Worked Training Section last year for TSgt Hann.
Bryon Beers, 10/23/2008, E-Mail at [email protected] . "A" & "C" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 84-87. Lived on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? worked both. Comments: First Yard.
Michael R. Beeson, 07/09/2001, E-Mail at [email protected] . "A" & "D" Flight LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: January 1986 to December 1988. Lived on & off base. Comments: Originally assigned to "D" flight LE, Tsgt Steve Tanner was our flight chief. My first supervisor was Sgt Oscar Medrano Jr. My last year was with "A" flight. THE BEST!! First I lived in Marlesford, (next to Andy Linegar and his wife Cindy). Then lived in Needham Market for approx 18 months. Through great websites (such as this) thanks Mike, I have found A1C Ken Hagge and his wife Jackie Jordan Hagge. A1C David "Goose" Bishop and Sgt Oscar Medrano Jr. I miss ALL my good friends from the 81st SPS. I had a blast and will never forget all my friends. The comradarie was awesome!! Still looking for Pat Hamby, Haley Stover and Donna Harrington. Let's keep in touch!! The return of the "Blue Max" is approaching! I am very proud of all my friends who have became law enforcement officers in the real world!! Until we meet again. Long live the 81st SPS!!!
David "Goose" Bishop, 07/08/2001, E-Mail at [email protected] . "A" & "B" Flight LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: I was stationed at Bentwaters from '86 thur Dec of '88. Lived on base. Comments: I worked as an Elite Gate Guard (E.G.G.) on Bentwaters and that is where I meet my wife of 12 years now. I had a great time and made some great friends. But the fun part was flying out, bringing a pistol back to the U.S. the day after Pan Am flight 103 was bombed. All is good, and I made it. The blue max will fly again, right "Mave". P.S. : Great site. Thanks Dave
Jim Bentley, 04/07/2005, E-Mail at [email protected] . "A" & "C" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: Sept.76 thru Sept.78. Lived on & off base. Comments: I worked the SPCDS alarm towers in the WSA and VADO on A Flight. I lived in Yoxford. My roomate was Ron Oldman. I remember MSgt Lombardo, Harold Fowler, Big Red Payton, SSgt Dickerson (TEXAS), Mike Feeney, DeBinadeto, SSgt. Hunter (Platform Jumpboots), Maj. Doran, Capt. Ed Mathews, "Nick" Nickol, Mike Hill from KY. I went to the Running Buck in Ipswich often. ON TDY to Aalborg, Denmark. Those were good times. Remember English girls with hairy legs?
James Bicknell, 06/30/2005, E-Mail at [email protected] . "B" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: Jan. 78 Jan. 80. Lived on & off base. Comments: I would like to hear from Herb Silva, Thomas (Teddy) Greene, Tom Rocci, and Rick Jenkins.
Carl Binongcal, 09/20/2005, E-Mail at [email protected] . "A", "B" & "C" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1977 - 1980 and 1988 until base closure in 1993. Lived on or off base. Comments: First base after tech school; worked "C" flt security. Roommates were Mark Bamman (sp?) and Mike Infinger (he later changed last name to Nakoa). Lots of wild nights and parties and I remember being wasted and playing Space Invaders at the club. Married a local girl just one month before I PCSed; two of my daughters still live in Ipswich with my first wife. Some names I remember from this period are Ben Levinson, Martin Giere, Bob Waterford, Tracy Sharp, TSgt Whitehead. Left in 80 and returned in 88 after tours at Whiteman and Chicksands. Was "B" Flt Chief for the Whiskey ....Nottage, Sauls, Beach, Janice Ball, and loads of others worked with me. Got bumped into the Supply slot where I worked with Kevin Scales, Debbie Konecni, Solomon Griffin, and many others as the base started to draw down. Major Laird, SMSgt Johnson, Vince Eubanks, "Little Willie" Evanow and his sidekick "Thad" something, Bobby Hyland, Ralph Grieder, Brian Pletcher, Greg Kolinoski - all come to mind for this tour at "Crooked Creek". Married my second wife just before the base closed and we PCSed to Mildenhall on a joint spouse. There are so many names and faces that come to mind, hope those of you who remember me won't be offended if I overlooked mentioning you and I would welcome correspondence with anyone who remembers me.
Daniel D. Black, 03/29/2004, E-Mail at [email protected] . "A" & "D" Flight Security & LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1968 -197. Lived on & off base. Comments: Anyone from Security/LE during that time would like to hear from you.
Marvin Blackman, 03/23/2005, E-Mail at [email protected] . "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1964-1968 RAF Woodbridge. Lived on & off base. Comments: I remember clearly the "Swich", the "Smoke" and the "D House".
Tony Blome, 04/19/2010, E-Mail at [email protected] . "A" Flight Security / LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1954 - 1957. Lived on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters. Comments: If there's anybody still around from that time frame, drop me a line. Tony B.
Harry L. Blucher III, 09/13/2005, E-Mail at [email protected] . "A", "B", "C" & "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: Assigned to Sentry Dog Section from 1970-1973. Lived on base.
Rick Bobo, 05/19/2008, E-Mail at [email protected] . "C" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: January 1980 August 1981. Lived on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters Comments: Enjoyed the people I served with have good memories.
Mike Bocchicchia, 09/10/2008, E-Mail at [email protected] . "A" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: May 1981- May 1984. Lived off base.
Frank Bodon, 03/12/2004, E-Mail at [email protected] . "A" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: I was stationed at RAF Bentwaters from Mar 86 to Mar 89. Lived on & off base. Comments: I was the VCNCO and I worked at the WSA. My son was born in Ipswich. I bowled for the Squadron.
Tim Bohlke, 02/25/2011, E-Mail at [email protected] . "A" & "C" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1975-1977. Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Woodbridge. Comments: I love the site, seen a lot of faces and names, musselman, trotter, eggen, mannes, smythe, ulrich, we had so much fun as dangers rangers, yea, you know who you are! we were sooooooo young then, we looked like babies, where did all the time go.....thanks for the memories!
Bill Bolling, 03/23/2004, E-Mail at [email protected] . "C" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: At RAF Woodbridge from February 88 to December 1992. Lived on & off base. Comments: Without a doubt, the best assignment I had in the entire AF career. Lot's of great people and a bunch of great memories.
Neal Botoff, 12/18/2004, E-Mail at [email protected] . "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 6/1/77 to 3/1/79. Lived on & off base. Comments: My son found this web site. I'm still
in shock. Anybody from this time period, please email me. Is there anybody from the hole in the wall gang still out there? Hey Whiting, do you have my sky diving pictures yet?
Mike Bourke, 06/19/2008, E-Mail at [email protected] . "C" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1975-1977. Lived on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Stationed at RAF Bentwaters, lived both on base and had a cottage in Ipswich. Comments: Great Site thanks ! Came across it by looking up the 81st SP in Bentwaters & found it. Great memories! Great tour of duty and loved the British!
Jim Bousquet, 06/08/2009, E-Mail at [email protected] (wife's) . "A" & "D" Flight LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: June 1981 - June 1984. Lived on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Both
Randal Bruce Bowden, 01/14/2007, E-Mail at [email protected] . "A" & "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: april 84 to aug 85? Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters. Comments: spent all my time on d flt with the dogs.
Clayton Bowman, 01/08/2011, E-Mail at: [email protected] . "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 77-79. Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Woodbridge. Comments: Worked flight and armory.
Jim Bowman, 02/14/2012, E-Mail at [email protected] . "B" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1976-1978. Lived on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Mainly at Bentwaters but went TDY to Woodbribge for a short time. Comments: Loved the experiences and friends I met while stationed in the U.K. Trying to contact as many guys from the flight as I can find.
Ridge Bowman, 03/17/2004, E-Mail at [email protected] . "A" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1989 -1991. Lived off base.
Bob Boyer, 10/23/2009, E-Mail at [email protected] . "A" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1981-1988. Lived on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Both.
James (Jim) Boyette, 01/12/2011, E-Mail at: [email protected] . "A" & "B" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: Sept 65---July 67. Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters then over to Woodbridge. Comments: Worked with SSgt Bell till the F4s came in, then went to security. Went to K-9 school in March of 66. Worked Bentwaters till sent to Woodbridge.
Had an old 1960 Green Corvair till I wrecked it in Ipswich 12/30/66, loved that old car. Would be great to hear from any K-9 boys from that time frame.
James C. Braddock, 12/12/2002, E-Mail at [email protected] . "C" Flight Security & LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: Arrived at W/B in April 1968, assigned to C flight Security until July 1969 and thanks to Tsgt. C.P. Knuckles another good old boy from Louisiana like myself, I was assigned to C flight L/E at B/W. Live on on base. Comments: I departed B/W in April 1970 and was back in the World at Fairchild A.F.B. Washington where I finished my time and was discharged in Dec. 1971. I finished college in 1975 and joined the U.S. ARMY as a 2nd. Lt. Military Policeman. In 1979 was accepted into ARMY SPECIAL FORCES (GREEN BERETS) where I served with the 5th,7th,& I retired in 1996 at the rank of COLONEL, and will never forget my most wonderful military career. I operate a Shotokan karate and self defense school that keeps me busy to say the least. Have a good'un.
Bill Bragg, 11/04/2003, E-Mail at [email protected] . "C" & "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: Mid 1989 to Mid 1991. Lived on & off base. Comments: Great site thanks Bill, I heard about it from Kirk Stover who heard about it from others. I now live & work in FL doing corporate tax work and if anyone wants to drop a line I will respond. It's good to see some of the familiar names like Ardizzone and Sauls. Any of you guys remember people like Barry Wagner, Bart Arnold and Smitty who kept on preaching to us when we were on his fire team?
Lyle M. Brandstrom Jr., 09/04/2004, E-Mail at [email protected] . "A" & "B" Flight LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1991-93. Lived on & off base. Comments: RAF Bentwaters was the best duty station I have EVER had. I miss that place so much. The people on and off base were wonderful. I miss the Queen's Head Pub in Saxmundham where I lived with A1C Jack Cox for awhile before closure. Just a few of the friends I miss are Bart Chilton, Mike Reimer, Jim Mahar, Pat, Jenifer Hampton, Melissa and all the old B flight LE and Security crew, TSgt Steve Nelson and his wife Theresa, and TSgt Adams. I am still in and still deployed. It's been nonstop 6 month deployments since I left Incirlik in 1997. Man I miss the good old days!
Donald Brandt, 07/22/2010, E-Mail at [email protected] . Security or LE?: 81st Transportation Squadron. Period of Stay at RAFs: Mar1962 to Jan1965. Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters.
Sherry Brendel, 09/04/2001, E-Mail at [email protected] . "A" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: july 85-july 88. Lived off base. Comments: Where are you Beav?I miss you-the great "RINGLEADER" that you are!!
Darryl "Bimp" Broughton, 12/23/2008, E-Mail at [email protected] . "C" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1986-1989. Lived on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Woodbridge. Comments: TSB....
Maurice Briggs, 11/18/2009, E-Mail at [email protected] . "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 82 to 84. Lived on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters.
James (Jay) Brosnan, 1/28/17, RAF Bendovers and Woodbridge was my first assignment after ABGD at Camp Bullis in Texas. Both of my children where born in Ipswich and I had an awesome time being stationed there. I then transferred to Tyndall AFB when I left the AF in 1993. I have been a paramedic and or a nurse for the past 30+ years. I do miss the teamwork. We currently live between Eglin and Hurlbert Fld in Florida. Email: [email protected] . Delta Flt Security, Armoror 1985-1988.
Clarence Edward Brown, 7/6/15, Email: [email protected] , Security or LE & Years at RAFs: Security 87 88 89
David Brown, 02/22/2006, E-Mail at [email protected] . "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1981 thru 1985. Live on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters. Comments: I stepped back in time for few minutes... Thanks. I now work in the Corrections field. I am an Administrator and audit the prison facilities state wide for compliance with both national and departmental standards. I was an Administrative Law Judge for 7 years prior to that. Hope all of you remember our motto at Salty Demo "We may not go down in history but we will definately go down on your sister" I'll never forget the Delta Dogs...
Scott Brown, 10/15/2002, E-Mail at [email protected] . "B" & "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1984 -1988. Lived off base. Comments: What can I say, we had a wild and perilous time! Would love to hear from anybody I served with.
Randal E. Browning, 12/1/15, 1st assignment. Assigned to "D" Flight. Worked as Indiana Control in the WSA. After the USAF became a police officer in my home town for a few years. I was recruited in the Volunteer Fire Department after getting my Paramedic Certification I went to work for the Alexandria VA FD. Retired after 25 years to take care of aging parents. Afterwards, I became a civilian contractor firearms instructor at Joint Base Anacostia Bolling. I adopted a retired Navy bomb dog. A german shepherd dog named Aiko. Currently I am a gunsmith for Beretta USA located in Accokeek MD. Email: [email protected] . Security Nov 1977 to Dec 1979.
Stephen Broshar, 02/26/2004, E-Mail at [email protected] . "C" & "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: July 76/Aug 78 worked Woodbridge mainly. Lived on base.
James "Jay" Brosnan, 08/02/2011, Webpage at: . E-Mail at [email protected] . "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: April 1985 - April 1988. Lived off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Back office puke haha on flight for a while worked vehicle section then went into the Armory at both Bentwaters and Woodbridge. Comments: Would love to find old friends and team mates.
Ray Bruhn, 08/23/2006, E-Mail at [email protected] . "A" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: Jun 85-Jul 88. Was part of Echo flight for a time, then moved to Alpha flight, then moved to QC. While on Alpha flight, worked mostly the tower in the "W"...look out below!!!!! Live on or off base?: Both. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters. Comments: Loved every minute of it. Wished I had stayed longer. Have great memories! Vanderark, Leighton, Hyland, Reardon....where are you????
Georgina Bruni, 02/23/2002, E-Mail at [email protected] . Security or LE?: Neither. Comments: This is an interesting site. I was not a member of the 81st. I wrote a book about the bases (entitled "You Can't Tell The People, a direct quote from former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher) to do with an incident that took place in December 1980: the famous Bentwaters/Woodbridge UFO incident involving LEs and SPs. I would be interested to hear from anybody who was stationed at the bases during that time, or anybody who remembers this incident. Best wishes Georgina Bruni thanks for dropping in Georgina!
Sean Bruce, 06/08/2002, E-Mail at [email protected] . A, B, C, D Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: Dec 1980 - Dec 1984. Live on & off base. Comments: I worked CSC for the most part while I was at RAF Bentwaters. Most knew my voice rather than my face. I am also a member of the Air Force Security Police Association and will forward your site to some in that directory. thanks Sean!
Tim Bruce, 03/09/2009, E-Mail at [email protected] . "C" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: First duty assignment Mar 82 thru Mar 85. Lived off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? assigned to C "CHARLIE" flight under Msgt Randy Corey {GOOD MAN}. Like most on C flight, we worked both bases. Comments: I was married coming into the AF and being assigned to RAF Bentwaters/Woodbridge. I lived in Felixstowe my three years there in off base housing. Therefore, didn't party like alot of you.{my mistake} I worked with alot of good people, funny people, some crazy{wild}people. My first two years were in Security, then I had an oppornunity for a TDA in the CATM section at Woodbridge under Msgt Don Porter {another good man}. From there, I changed my AFSC and finished my AF time at Hill AFB in CATM.
Ronald Scott Buice, E-Mail at [email protected] . "A" & "D" Flight Security & LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: 81-84. Lived on & off base. Comments: Roomate with Mark Beauchamp.
John "Bull" Bulldis, E-Mail at [email protected] . "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 21 Jan 1984 - 18 Sep 1988. Lived on & off base. Comments: I got to RAF Mildenhall with my wife and small child and left with my wife and 3 small children. I worked with Delta Dogs and had more fun than I should have. Many of the names and faces I've forgotten over the years, but some still come to me. Wild Bill Evenow, Roger Fosum, Randy Summers, Jim Peters, Mike Cloud, Mike Shaw, O.D. Towns, Bill Brewer, Fitzpatrick, Will Sherman, JP,Tad Roninett, Bitchin Burt Hillman, Larry Lee, Ron Adams, and Bobby Highland just to name a few. I'm still serving this fine country of our although not an Sp anymore. I was commissioned in Feb of 1992 and became a utility Officer working Aircraft Maintenance, Munitions, transportation, Protocol, and Logistics Plans. I'm currently attending the Air Force Institute of Technology and will be heading to Davis-Monthan AFB. Bentwaters was an era for me and my family. A time of growth for the Security Police Career field and a time of growth for the AF. Take care and Gods speed.
E-Mail at [email protected] . Period of Stay at RAFs: Staff assistance visits in 1979-1980 when I was Deputy Chief SP with BGen Bill Brooksher. Comments: I did not have the pleasure of being assigned to a base in the UK, but if I had, I would have chosen Bentwaters. I need your help. I am working as a research assistant to Dayton Aerospace, Inc. on an Air Force contract to write the official history of the AP/SP/SF career field. Please visit my website to see how you can help.
Brian "BJ" Bunce, 11/04/2008, E-Mail at [email protected] . "A" Flight Security. LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: Bentwaters / Woodbridge from Aug 1984 - Dec 1986. Lived on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Worked both Bentwaters and Woodbridge - Spent much of my last year or so on the LE Desk at RAF Bentwaters. Left as a SrA. Lived in the cop dorms with Don Vallejo and Dave Thailing as my roommates until I married and lived off base in Woodbridge Village. Comments: This was my first duty station and I worked gates, patrol and LE desk. I stayed in the service until retirement about 4 years ago (May 2004). I cross-trained from SP to Paralegal in 1989. I received my commission in 1993 and retired as major and a Space / Missile Officer from GPS at Schriever AFB. I have my going away plaque from RAF Bentwaters haning in my study. There were some great memories and great people. God, it's been a long time...
Lori Buoen-Beyer, 11/02/2009, Webpage at: . E-Mail at [email protected] . "A" & "D" Flight LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1980-1983. Lived on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters. Comments: I was active duty until 1983. I married an Army guy and continued to live in England until 1985.
Fred & Deborah (Knight) Buran, 10/26/2007, E-Mail at [email protected] . "A" & "C" Flight Security/LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: '80-'81. Deb was Sq Section CC and I was Shift CC. Lived on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Covered both. Comments: Deb was Lt. Knight back then and was the Squadron Section Commander. I was shift commander on "C" Flight at first, then "A" Flight later on. We got married after she left BW and went to George AFB, CA. The she got a join spouse and we were at RAF Grenham Common from '82-'85. Would love to hear from anyone at BW at the time.
Peter L. Burch, 10/09/2004, E-Mail at [email protected] . "A" & "C" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: March 1976 - March 1978 C & A Flight Woodbridge, A Flight Bentwaters. Lived on & off base. Comments: Woodbridge was my first assignment in the Air Force. I worked C Flight with MSgt Denoyer. There were Mike Grandy, Vince Morton, Mike Ulrich, Steve Smyhte and my roomie Dave Schreeve. I later transferred to A Flight with MSgt Rodriguez & TSgt Shimick. Had lots of fun at the Running Buck and Tracey's. About 1977 I transferred to A Flight Bentwaters with MSgt Lombardo. Some of my other friends were Mike Feeney, Ray Stiers, Ron Zaichs, Big Red Payton. Bentwaters was my best assignment during my days in the Air Force. I joined the AF Reserve in 1980 and was a Flight Nurse during Desert Storm. I've been an RN for 20 years and am currantly a Maj in the Army Reserve and trying to transfer back to the AF. It's very sad to see Bentwaters closed and run down. I have nothing but fond memories of my 2 years there. Hope to hear from old friends.
Al Burleigh M/sgt. Ret., 07/08/2001, E-Mail at [email protected] . "A" Flight Security & LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: 84-89. Lived off base. Comments: also worked pass and ID, etc.
James D. Burris, 06/09/2003, E-Mail at [email protected] . "C" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: Apr 80 - Apr 83. Lived off base. Comments: Hi all, you knew me batter as J.D. Nice to see so many of you doing well. It's also nice to see the bases have not been forgotten. We had some good time there. Those who remember me feel free to write me. Sean told me about this site. Take care all. J.D. former, SSgt James D. Burris, USAF 81 SPS 1980-1983.
Patrick Burus, 09/04/2003, E-Mail at [email protected] . "A" & "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: Jan 89 - Nov 01. Lived on & off base. Comments: Thanks for all of the great memories! anytime Patrick!
Ron Burtle, 07/08/2001, My webpage is at: . E-Mail at [email protected] . "C" Flight LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: June 1982 to June 1984. Lived on base. Comments: Met some great people there and I think of them often. Of all of the flights I worked on while in the Air Force, C Flight from 1982 to 1984 was the best.
Adrian C. "Busty" Bustinza III, 07/25/2010, E-Mail at [email protected] . "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1979 to 1882. Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters. Comments: Been a long time...O what memories and friends that I have long thought of, but had no way of getting in touch of. Thought of you Guy's/Gal's, all of you and wondered what ever happen to you all. I hope everyone of you fullfilled your dreamd that we shared together about what we wanted to accomplished in Life and what we wanted to do as careers etc...etc... Thanks for the memories and hope to keep in touch with everyone that remembers. I have so many photos that I want to put on the site...bear with me and I will have them placed here. The Buzz Man
Steve Butler, 11/21/2010, E-Mail at [email protected] . "A" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: from 1982 to 1986. Lived on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Worked Bentwaters for three yrs then went to Woodbridge for the last yr there. Comments: This is a great site and it brings back a lot of memories for myself and my wife of 30 yrs.
Wayne Cadman, 02/09/2011, E-Mail at [email protected] . "C" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: Bentwaters 1970 to 72, worked Security, Desk Sergent last six mos. I'm trying to put together a list of SPs who wer there 68 to 72 and have re-union 2012 or later lets make it happen! Lived on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters then Ipswich finally Felixstowe. Comments: John D Haulk Master Sargent Flight Chief, SSGT Billy Ray Rash asst. Mike Walsh Desk Sargent at Munitions. John Cahill, John Lacrosse, cant remember them all.
Joe Campo, 01/31/2006, E-Mail at [email protected] . "C" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: Sep 1977 to Sep 1981. "C" Flight Chief, NCOIC of LE and NCOIC of SPI. Lived off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Lived in Saxmundham base housing. Comments: Great time, great people - the best.
Dennis Canaday, 02/21/2005, E-Mail at [email protected] . "A" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1975 -1977. Lived on & off base.
Jack Caniglia, 01/23/2006, E-Mail at [email protected] . "B" & "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: May 1985 to November 1987. Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters. Comments: I was assigned to both D Flight under MSgt Reed and B Flight under MSgt Broadwater. Hung out with Al King, Donald Chitty, Dave Thabat, Eric Johnson, Scotty Brown, and Kevin Gilligan to name a few. Retrained into personnel in 1987 and am currently assigned at Lackland AFB working at the AF Security Forces Center.
Ched "240" Capps, 11/03/2003, E-Mail at [email protected] . "B" Flight LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: Was based at Bentwaters 03/81 - 03/83. Live on & off base. Comments: I look back at my time with "B" flight @ Bentwaters with very fond memories. Wish I had done more to stay in touch with some of the great folks I met there. Would love to hear from any of the old gang!
Donald H. Carney, SMSgt, Retired, 08/16/2001, E-Mail at [email protected] , Security & LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1966 thrugh 1971. Lived off base. Comments: Wife Cathleen. Entered the First Sergeant Career Field when MSgt Ray Ayers was reassigned stateside. Worked in Administrative Security before cross-training.
Terry A. Carr, 10/27/2001, Webpage at . E-Mail at [email protected] . "B" & "D" flight Security & LE. Was at BW fron May 68 to May 71, worked "D" Flt Security, worked the usual areas. Went to LE at the end of my tour.
Live on base. Comments: I am going back in November 01 for a trip to see the old camp. I understand not much left of the housing side. Still am excited about going back.
Mike Carroll, 09/29/2007, E-Mail at [email protected] . "A" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1973-1975. Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Woodbridge.
Frederick Carter, 03/15/2011, E-Mail at [email protected] . A, B, C, D Flights Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1981-1983. Live on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters
Comments: I was an airman basic-airman on a flight. I worked the most horrible entry control point there was called "ALPHA ONE". My first reporting official was ssgt GUY Laporte, Then I had SGT Frederick Challahan as a supervisor. I remember Joey Mathews, Charlie askew, Dorian George and a few others. I had a girlfriend named Trudie White that was a heck of a basketball player. I also went to Faith Baptist Church.
Larry J. Carter, 03/16/2007, E-Mail at [email protected] . "A" & "C" Flight LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: April 1982 to April 1985. Lived on or off base?: Both. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters. Comments: Law Enforcement for both Bentwaters and Woodbridge. Was originally assigned to "C" Flight but also worked on "A" flight and "E" flight. The work was hard at times but when I had time to look back on it was really enjoyable.
Rich Cartwright, 12/24/2006, E-Mail at [email protected] . "A" & "C" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: November 1986-1988. Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters.
Lawrence Castro, 05/07/2008, E-Mail at [email protected] . "A" Flight Security & LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: April 1988 - April 1991. Lived on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Woodbridge. Comments: Thanks for getting me to the this site Jerry Waller.
Carlito "Catman" Catalasan, 05/12/2006, Email at [email protected] . "A" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: August 1983 to August 1985. Lived on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters. Comments: I was on A Flight the "Delta Dogs". I am one of the guys on Randy Holbrook's picture at the beginning of the webpage. I remember Russ Schonmeier, Brian Andersen, Mike Sharp, Timothy Fisher, Mark McCracken, Derek Cailing, Marrufo, John Bulldis, Cooper, Krause, Hamilton, Adams, Ed Holbrook, Freitag, Don Capps, Norris, Haglund, Mike Boals, Sedevic, Atkinson, Robinette, Bourgeois, Ringall. Does everybody remember the Ipswich riot with the gang of West Indians that slaughtered us at Blades? I am still in the AF as an SF MSgt stationed at Whiteman AFB, MO. Hope to ear from some people.
Emil (Ed) Chando CMSGT (Ret), 12/05/2001, E-Mail at [email protected] . Security & LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: I was at Woodbridge in 1955 to 1959 and again during the period 1972 thru 1976. Was the NCOIC of Security at Woodbridge and then took over the position as Operations Superintendent for both bases. Selected as Top Cop in USAFE and USAF in 1973.
Comments: Lived in Ipswich and then at Stone Farm in Blaxhall. Played football with the Woodbridge Tigers and also the Suffolk Titans of Bentwaters. Also Coached and Played soccer with the Base Teams at both bases.
Andrea Day Charbono, 10/07/2008, E-Mail at [email protected] . Security or LE?: Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1990-1992. Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters. Comments: I am not sure what flt I worked on but I worked with Patrick B..Andy.. Gonzalez, Gomez.. I will try and post some pics.
Mark Chauvin, 08/22/2001, E-Mail at [email protected] . "B" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: December 1977 to December 1979. Lived on Woodbridge base. Comments: Spent all of my tour on B Flight Security Woodbridge(and six months on LE),except for the last few months when all Woodbridge Security Police went to Bentwaters.I also did a two week TDY to Alhorn AB, Germany which was a forward base for A10's. Hey does anyone remember Post 8 at the Woodbridge WSA? I sure don't miss those two week NATO exercises. Wayne Barclay, Dennis Clark, Mike Ave, Lawrence Duncan, Mark Garron, Larie Zack are you out there?
Shawn Chevalier (Kendrick), 12/11/2007, E-Mail at [email protected] . "A" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: OMG! I can't remember what flight. I was at RAF Woodbridge. Normally posted guarding the entrance to the Delta Nappa. June of 88 to Dec of 89. Lived on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Lived off base in Woodbridge.
Bart Chilton, 03/29/2003, E-Mail at [email protected] . "B" Flight LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: 4+ years. Lived off base.
Mike Christian, 01/29/2005, E-Mail at [email protected] . "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: Sept 1978 - Dec 1980. Lived on base. Comments: Great Web Site Ken thanks Mike!, Keep up the good work. When I arrived in 78 England had the worst winter ever in 54 years. Being from Florida now that was special!
Doug "Doc" Church, 05/08/2004, Webpage at . E-Mail at [email protected] . "C" & "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1982-1984. Lived on & off base. Comments: Dear friends and fellow servicemen, I was pleased to find this site after having been directed here by Over the years I have continued my professional career as an Elvis Tribute Artist (some of you may remember me from the Tops in Blue competitions) and have been to England several times since my enlistment ended in 1987. I recently visited RAF Bentwaters and Woodbridge (or rather what's left of them) and did a show in the old base theater on Woodbridge for the locals. I then took a twilight, unguided tour of Bentwaters. Half of the runway and flight line were completely missing. It was an eerie experience, seeing the base in ruins with many of the buildings in dilapidated condition. I even visited my old dormitory and stood in the darkened corridors of the base hospital where my daughter Kim was treated as an infant. I have a few pics of the base if any of you are interested. Please feel free to contact me at the above email address. I will also be happy to post them on this website with the webmaster's blessing. Serving in the 81st SPS from 1982-1984 was a great experience for a 1-3 striper and the cultural exchange between ourselves and our British friends on the other side of the fence was intersting to say the least. Here's to memories.......
Curt Clark, 06/30/2008, E-Mail at [email protected] . "A" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1966-1969. Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters. Comments: Air Police until 67? Flight line to Desk Sgt to Dog Handler to SP Investigations. Great times in London on the weekends.
Dennis Clark, 12/22/2009, E-Mail at [email protected] . "B" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: dec 1977 to dec 1979. Lived on base. welcome back Dennis!
Ron Claxton, 11/11/2003, E-Mail at [email protected] . "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: RAF Woodbridge 1969 - 71. Comments: I remember being assigned to the 81st Security Police Squadron/D Flight. I played on the Bentwaters/Woodbridge Base basketball team. We had a really great team that won two UK championships and runner-up in the USAFE tournament held at the Bentwaters gym in 1971. Some of the players that I recall are: Willie Jackson, Al Love and Jimmy "T" Lee. I also remember Coach Bob Batey and Assistant Mike Morrell. I will never forget these guys. We traveled all over England and Germany playing ball and having the time of our lives. I also recall names on my flight like Bud Sadler, Tom Lane, Louie Estrada. Others I see their faces but can't recall their names. Those years were the times of my life and I will never forget them and the trips to London, Ipswich, and Woodbridge. My only regret is that I didn't go back to the base before it closed and changed so much. I still have some vivid pictures ingrained in my memory though. If anyone who reads this and happens to remember me or anyone else at that time and place, please email me. Would love to hear from you. Also I am looking for the old patches of the 81st Security Police Squadron and the 81st Tactical Fighter Wing from that era. I lost mine over the years. I look forward to hearing from any of my old buddies during those years.
Paul Clay, 09/19/2010, E-Mail at [email protected] . Security or LE?: Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 4/1954 - 4/1957. Lived on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters. Comments: "Passed away suddenly, Sunday September 5th 2010. Sadly missed by devoted family. RIP." Information provided by Mary Clay.
Norman Ray Cobb, E-Mail at [email protected] . "A" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: Dec. '62 thru Apr. '66, all at Woodbridge. Was on Bentwaters/Woodbridge Rifle/Pistol team with Baker and Strope from Bentwaters, though, and rode for awhile from Felixstowe with A1C from Bentwaters. Lived on & off base. Comments: Would especially like to hear from Swampy Grinnell, Johnny Henson, Gary Mis, James Baker, Strope, Rudy Rudacil, Joe Moreno, Jack Blanton, and especially Joe E. Echeveria.
Kevin Coble, 08/18/2004, E-Mail at [email protected] . "A" & "C" Flight LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: I was stationed at BW from 83-89. I played on the base football team each year that I was on the yard. Made alot of good friends while I was at the "Creek." Also spent alot of time at the base gym and powerlifting! If anyone remembers me, feel free to drop me a email. I've been working on the San Antonio Police Dept since 93' with a couple former BW alum (Oscar Medrano & Mario Baker) Hope to hear from you soon. Lived on & off base. Comments: If anyone knows the whereabouts of Donna Harrington, David Zayas or Paul Schuster & Lester Tuck....I would appreciate an email address if anyone has one, thanks.
Louis J. Cochi, 12/05/2007, E-Mail at [email protected] . Period of Stay at RAFs: Dec. 1955 to Sept 1959. Lived on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? RAF Woodbridge. Comments:
605th Communications Squadron Det. 5.
Jason Cockreham, 04/25/2004, E-Mail at [email protected] . "B" & "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1985 -1987. Lived on base. Comments: Worked with Huff, Ski, Race, Stewart, Fawcett, and several others. Would really like to hear from those guys. Had a great time over there. Lived on base at Woodbridge.
Michael Coghlan, 03/24/2003, E-Mail at [email protected] . "A" & "C" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: January 1978 to January 1980. Lived on & off base. Comments: Worked "C" Flt 1978-79 on Bentwaters. Worked "A" Flt 1979-80 on Woodbridge.
William R. Colby, 10/07/2009, Do you have a Webpage?: http://Facebook . E-Mail at [email protected] . "B" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: Feb 1987 - Feb 1989. Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Woodbridge.
Cynthia Coleman (nee Holtfort), 03/12/2007, E-Mail at [email protected] . "A" & "C" Flight Security & LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: June 88 - Feb 91. Lived on or off base?: Both. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Woodbridge. Comments: I'll never forget getting assigned to TSgt Swansons flight and dreading going to that first night because everyone had told me how mean he was and that I was going to be the first female to work with his flight. Found out he was a great man to work for. Met alot of good people there.
Patrick J ( PJ ) Coleman, 04/27/2009, E-Mail at [email protected] . "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: April 68 - April 71. Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Woodbridge. Comments: Came to security and worked for TSgt CP Knuckels. If not for him I would not have made Sgt. Roomied with Murph, Ira, Robbie Hornbeck. Remember the train rides to London, staying in Lancaster Gate and going to the D House and Hyde Park. Changed to K-9 with Murph and Rock and had some real great times at RAF Debden and with Cprl. Finlay. Bought my first new car MGBGT and brought it back to the states. Others remembered; Van, Jimmy Hendricks, Dog, Joe Rowe, Felix, Sonny Seifert, TA, Bart, Whitey, Dan Black, Jerry Green. I think of ARKLE every day, I loved that dog. What a bite right Rock? Rock, Murph and I have been in contact over the years and just recently spoke about the possibility of all of us getting together again. I would be great to see and hear from all of you again. I retired from the USPS in 2005 and now live in Myrtle Beach SC and travel back to NY every Summer.
Mark Collins, 11/22/2010, E-Mail at [email protected] . "A" & "D" Flight Security & LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: Served at RAF Bentwaters and RAF Woodbridge from 1966 to 1970. Made it to Desk Sgt. in Law Enforcement. Served with Sgt. Cook and my mentor, DANIEL L. JOHNSON. Live on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Served on both. Comments: Would like to hear from, DANIEL L. JOHNSON, before I die....
Kevin Conde, 01/07/2008, E-Mail at [email protected] . "B" Flight LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: June 1978 - June 1981. Lived on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Both. Comments: Worked "B" Flight LE and Training, and QA. Retired 1993 as SMSgt.
Joe Conner, 8/18/12, E-Mail at [email protected] . In B-Flight with MSgt Ed Rose. The best flight, and flight Chief ever. Security or LE & Years at RAFs: security 11/72 to 11/74
George Conway, 05/22/2008, E-Mail at [email protected] . "B" Flight LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: Nov 1979 to Oct 1981. Lived on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters.
Jeff Cook, 02/16/2007, E-Mail at [email protected] . "A" Flight LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: Mar 89 to Mar 91. Lived on or off base?: On. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Woodbridge. Comments: What a great site. Those were some of the best years of my young life, I miss all of the old gang such as Lester Tuck, Fred Abshire, Mark Belli, Dave Heuring and Larry Castro to name a few. Feel free to drop me a line anytime!
Jim Cook, 07/03/2008, E-Mail at [email protected] . "A" & "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: Dec.61-Dec. 64 . Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters. Comments: Member Suffolk Titans Football team. Room mates, Brinley and Morrison. I wonder if I will get into trouble revealing that I shot my carbine at a rooster pheasant out the tower window in the special weapons area. Got bored during the day shift. Sure was loud.
John Cook, 12/26/2001, E-Mail at [email protected] . Period of Stay at RAFs: 1974 thu 1977. Lived on & off base. Comments: I was NCOIC of Reports & Analysis. Worked with TSgt Nagy, TSgt Gibson, Capt Kittel and Major Reiling. Had the time of my life. Lived in Woodbridge, Snape and Aldeburgh.
Ken Cook, 07/15/2001, E-Mail at [email protected]. Both Security & LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: Woodbridge 1965 to l967, Bentwaters 1967 to 1968 PCS , Bentwaters 1972 to 1974, Woodbridge 1974 to 1976, Bentwaters 1976 to 1977 retirement. Lived off base. Comments: First term at WB (65-67) as Flight Chief "C" Flt. Then to BW NCOIC Investigations (67-68). Returned to BW NCOIC LE (72-74)moved to WB NCOIC Weapons System Security (74-76) then to BW SPS Superintendent until May 77. Spent last 4 months in "civvies" as Housing Inspector. Now live near BW in village of Eyke. Would like to hear from any old acquaintances.
Jeffery T. (JT) Corbin, 02/05/2009, E-Mail at [email protected] . "B" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: Feb 77 to Feb 79. Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Woodbridge. Comments: I was lucky enough to be picked for the F-117 program, but RAF Bentwaters was BY FAR the best assignment I ever had. Went back to the UK (FAR Alconbury) in 92 and actually ran into Earl Cooley (MSgt, First Flight Chief at WB). Went to BW/WB and was saddened to see the beautiful base I remembered a sad empty shell. But when I close my eyes to remember, it comes alive again! Would like to hear from anyone that remembers me and would like to tell a few "war stories".
Paul Corbran, 10/31/17, Air Force-4yrs, AP training-Oct. to Dec.-'67. Stationed RAF Bentwaters-Jan. '64 to Sept. '67. Email: [email protected] . Years at RAFs: four (4).
John Cory, 03/04/2011, E-Mail at [email protected] . "C" & "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: stationed at RAF Bentwaters/Woodbridge, from March 81 to March 83. I worked on several flights after I dislocated my shoulder and had to have surgery to keep it from happening. Live on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Woodbridge.
Patrick Cosgrove, 06/23/2006, E-Mail at [email protected] . "B" Flight LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: April 1982 - May 1985. Lived on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters. Comments: Lived mostly off base in Trimly St. Mary.
Jeffrey Counts, 03/23/2008, E-Mail at [email protected] . Period of Stay at RAFs: Jan 82 to Jan 85. Lived on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? both. Comments: nice page.
Roger L. Cover, 08/09/2005, E-Mail at [email protected] . "C" Flight LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: Aug. 84 - Aug. 87. Lived off base. Comments: Looking for old friends.
Bill Covert, 03/02/2011, E-Mail at [email protected] . "A" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs:April 1977 - April 1979. Lived on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters
Steven Covington, 07/26/2009, E-Mail at [email protected] . Security or LE?: Security
Period of Stay at RAFs: 6 wks TDY to RAF Woodbridge & 6 wks in 1987. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Woodbridge. Comments: Was TDY frm Davis Monthan AFB in AZ. Was TDY with the 41st ECS the EC0130. We provided security for aircraft & what was called the vans. We were de- ployed in 85 & 87 for 6 wks each time. Msgt Dugan was NCOIC of WSS at Woodbridge at the time.
Gregg Cox, 12/16/2007, E-Mail at [email protected] . "C" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1986 to 1990. Lived on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters. Comments: WSA 1986 to 1988. Security manager 1988 to 1990. Only SP to work as a Russian linguist for the INF treaties 1989 and 1990.
Jack Cox, 07/07/2001, E-Mail at [email protected]. Comments: Great Start!!! "I was the last LE Troop at Woodbridge (actually picked up the gate guard Karen Harris) and we blew the siren told BW that we terminated woodbridge and left. I was at Bentwaters and Woodbridge from Feb 92-Sept 93 (B Flight). I am now out of the Air Force and a PhD with a couple of Universities."
Clarence "Skip" Coy, 04/18/2004, E-Mail at [email protected] . "B" Flight LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: March 67 to March 70 at Woodbridge. Lived on base.
Dennis Creamer, 03/16/2010, E-Mail at [email protected] . "B" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: Early 80's. Lived on & offf base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Both. Comments: Retired Msgt Res. Went to the P.I. After BW, drop me an e-mail. Like to here from some of the guys.
John Cresap, 12/30/2005, E-Mail at [email protected] . "B" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: April 1986 - April 1989. Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters. Comments: Roomed with Kraubetz, Ratboy Sanders, my room was across from "Bud Holdren" Liked to make fun of Ernest T Hougardy.
Ted Crosby, 02/19/2011, E-Mail at [email protected] . Security or LE?: LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: Sept 72 - Sept 74. Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters dorm. Comments:Seem to remember some awesome times in a blue VW Bug.
Dennis Crowner, 07/07/2006, E-Mail at [email protected] . "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 9/83 - 8/86. Lived off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters & Woodbridge. Comments: Now living back in northern New York with wife of 23 years, Kim, and a son, 17 and daughter 21. Would love to hear from any of you that knew me!
Michael Cummings, 06/30/2011, E-Mail at [email protected] . "A" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1966-1969. Lived on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Woodbridge. Comments: Great to see some old dog handlers on this site. Toured with some really great people while in the K-9 unit on Woodbridge. Emails will sure get a reply. God Bless
Edward T, Curran (Ned), 06/23/2011, E-Mail at [email protected] . Security or LE?: Neither. Period of Stay at RAFs: Jan 81 to Jan 83. Lived on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters. Comments: I was a 70250C in the 81st Aircraft Generation Squadron (AGS). One time I was attempting to get onto the flight line to get to the AGS Orderly Room and I had to be authorized by the SP (Security Police). The SP had just authorized flight line access to someone driving a Coleman (truck) and then he started coming toward me. I noticed the barbed wire fence got caught on one the back wheels on the Coleman. Neither the Coleman driver nor the SP noticed, however. I pointed out the problem to the SP and when the SP saw his fence being dragged by the Coleman he gave his M-16 rifle to me and ran to the Coleman driver to remove the fence from the wheel. After the SP removed the fence from the wheel and placed it back to where it belonged he took his M-16 back from me and I proceeded to the AGS Orderly Room. I LOVED my time at RAF Bentwaters and I still miss England!! I lived off base at 50 Fairfield Road in Aldeburgh. My favorite pub in Aldeburgh, The Albert, is now gone.
Jon Curtis, 06/16/2007, E-Mail at [email protected] . "B" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1980-1982. Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters.
Myles Cuyos, 02/15/2007, Do you have a Webpage?: . E-Mail at [email protected] . "C" Flight LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1984-1986. Lived on or off base?: On. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters. Comments: Came to BW feb 1984 until feb 1986, my first night at BW i went to the club and got drunk and passed out and had to be carried back to the dorm. i roomed with tom watts who was also l.e. my nickname there was "ninja". i am sorry to hear about laura van selow passing away in 2005, she was my first supervisor when i was there. she was a great person as well as a supervisor. i am curious about the whereabouts of ltc bonfiglio, james ball, mike shover, tom watts, eric fuller, dennis huff, bryon beers, and so many that i cant think of their names right now. i was just contacted by roger cover yesterday, 02-14-2007 and chris redmond about 2 years ago. chris redmond made chief and is the superintendent for osi. anyway, i hope somebody or someone remembers me and would love to hear from them. oh, also, i was the one that saw a ghost when i was manning butley gate back in nov 1985 over at w/b and heard strange demonic noise in my room one night as well. b/w was the best assignment bar none in my entire career.
Mike Davidson, 12/01/2007, E-Mail at [email protected] . "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1987 - 1991. Lived on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? both. Comments: I worked "D" flight security WSA at Bentwaters for two and a half years and a year and a half at Woodbridge in the Combat Arms section for a year and a half. I lived in Ipswich for the first 8 months I was at Bentwaters and then lived on base at Bentwaters on upton close. I left bentwatrers in 1991 at got stationed at Travis AFB California. I retired from the Air Force in 2001 and moved back to Washinton.
Harold John Davies, 05/11/2004, E-Mail at [email protected] . "B" Flight LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: Did a tour at RAF Woodbridge at Det 1. (1987-1989). Lived on base. Met a great group of people there, none of whom are on your board. I was priviledged to serve under LtCol Oliver Towns the best SP Commander I wa sever priviledged to meet. This unit suckered me into a 10 year active USAF career. Comments: If you knew me or served with me feel free drop me a line ESPECIALLY ex B Flight personnel I served with. Come on down to middle of BFE Texas and I'll buy you a beer.
Ken Davies, 05/16/2010, E-Mail at [email protected] . "A" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: Bentwaters- Aug 1965 to Aug 1967. Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters Comments: Wow, this is great. Goes to show ya, military is never forgotten.
George Davis, 07/11/2008, E-Mail at [email protected] . "C" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1970-1973. Lived on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? the bridge. Comments: worked 'C' flight for t/sgt hasko,sgt haney,sgt banks,sgt garrett,ssgt Edison sgt carroll,lived off base at 1a russell road.give me a shout...
William M (Mike) Davis, 06/29/2008, E-Mail at [email protected] . "B" Flight LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1975 thru 1976. Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters.
Edward Dean, 10/9/12, Email: [email protected] . Security or LE & Years at RAFs: Security- 1987 to 1992. Comments: Just looking for some friends that I served with while on station.
Security or LE & Years at RAFs: 1975 to 1978.
Jeff DeLutio, 01/27/2004, E-Mail at [email protected] . "C" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: January 1978 - January 1980. Lived on base.
Dennis J. Denby, 2/12/17, message left by Ann Denby, wife of T/sgt Dennis J Denby. looking for friends I knew , played darts at pub in sheswell. lived on woodbridge base / had a afghan hound dog that got in the bomb dump behind the house we lived in . thank you ann denby. Email: [email protected] . Security 1969 /1974 Bentwaters.
Fred Deskins, Jr., 01/21/2012, E-Mail at [email protected] . Security or LE?: Neither. Period of Stay at RAFs: October 1961 to December 1963. Live on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Both. Comments: I worked for CMSGT Pully in the A&E Squadron. Bruce L. Desmarais, 03/09/2011, E-Mail at [email protected] . "A" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: Feb 1963 - Feb 1966. Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters.
LT Dan "Bulldog" Des Rochers, 08/25/2005, E-Mail at [email protected] . "B", "C" & "D" Flights Security & LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: Feb 83 to Feb 86. Lived off base. Comments: I was the Shift/CC for Cobra FLT, B FLT, and of course the Delta Dogs. This site brings back a lot of good memories.
Brendan "Pee Wee" Devaney, 02/15/2006, E-Mail at [email protected] . "D" Flight LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1983 - 1986. Lived on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Initially lived on Woodbridge and then moved off base. Comments: By luck I stumbled on this website. It's incredible! Lots of familiar names and faces. Most definitly the best assignment during my military career. If I knew then what I know now I can only imagine the trouble we could have gotten into. Flight trips to Belgium and Denmark we're memorable as well as the "carousing at both Dukes Pub and Cindys". I'm Currently a police officer outside Washington DC in Prince George's County MD. BW/WB alum are always welcome. Looking forward to catching up with old friends. I have photos that I can submit in the future. Once again what a great website......Feels like home again.
Eric DeVoursney, 08/10/2010, E-Mail at [email protected] . "A" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1988-1991. Lived on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters. Comments: Worked Wing Security.
Michele (DeVowe) Salwey, Email at [email protected] . "C" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: from 1988 -1990. Lived on base. Comments: I would love to hear from anyone I knew or worked with. Time sure flies and it is always nice to hear from friends of the past. Especially if anyone has info on Micheal Knowles, David Young, Bill Gorman, Frenchy, Mark Turner or Karen Wilson.
Keith DeWitt MSgt Ret, 05/24/2006, E-Mail at [email protected] . "A" Flight LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: 84-87. Lived on & of base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Flight Chief A Flight, NCOIC Canine section. Comments: Had a good tour, met alot of great people. Went to Lackland in 87 as a MTI, worst job I ever had in my 20 years. Where is Fuller, Stanfield, Brothers?
Tom DeWitt, 05/11/2005, E-Mail at [email protected] . "D" Flight. Period of Stay at RAFs: About March 1967 through March 1969 at RAF Woodbridge in Security Police. Lived on base.
Chuck "Dobie" DiBias, 08/25/2010, E-Mail at [email protected] . "C" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: April 1965 to April 1968. Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? RAF Bentwaters. Comments: Please forgive my tardiness. I didn't get into my E-Mail until a later date. It was a tremendous shock to me to read about Wally"s passing. He and I were tight during our stay at Bentwaters. We both arrived at the same time. We had some good memories while stationed at Bentwaters. I will miss my friend. My regards to Wally"s Family.
Donnie Dillard, 05/15/2009, E-Mail at [email protected] . "C" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: Apr 1979 - Apr 1982. Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters. Comments: Like to hear from David Fitzhugh, David George, J.D. Smith or any of the guys who might remember me.
Edward Dittmer, 05/29/2010, E-Mail at [email protected] . "A" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 9/24/72 to 9/24/75. Live on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Woodbridge. Comments: Nice site. I'd like to hear from guys I worked with during this time. I did my 4, got out and returned to New Mexico. All is good. It's funny as I now work with the AF for a defense contractor on White Sands Missle Range. Those times in England were wonderful. Greatest honeymoon Carolyn and I could ever hope to have. Adios for the nonce, Ed Dittmer
Timothy M. Ditzler, 02/20/2012, Do you have a Webpage?: no, but I am on Facebook. E-Mail at [email protected] . "B" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: Feb 77- Feb 8, 1979. Live on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwaters. Comments: I lived at 57 Tuddenham Rd. Ipswich for most of my stay with Paul Keller and his wife.
Anthony "DJ" Djuren, 02/18/2004, E-Mail at [email protected] . "A" & "D" Flight Secuity. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1988-93. Lived on base. Comments: Even though I separated in 1990, my wife Melinda Powers was a Supply Troop at 81st Supply. I continued to party with my buddies, and worked in the Bentwaters BX. I REALLY miss the UK. There is not a part of my day that goes by, without having a reflecting thought about the guys I worked with and all the good times we had. I plan to revisit the bases someday. I am so happy that former SP's from the 81st SPS are taking the time, from their personal lives, to get back in touch and re-establish old relationships and friendships. And I am both happy and proud to be a part of this process.
Stephen Dolan, 11/23/2008, E-Mail at [email protected] . Security or LE?: Neither. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1979 to 1981. Live on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Both. Comments: Crash Rescue at the Fire Department. Played on USAFE championship soccer team with members of the SPS. Would like to hear from you. Fire Department buddies are planning a Las Vegas reunion in '09.
Michael Doucet, 01/14/2007, E-Mail at [email protected] . "C" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: DECEMBER 1977 TO DECEMBER 1979. Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? WOODBRIDGE. Comments: IT IS GREAT TO FIND A WEBSITE FOR THE 81ST SPS!...HAD A GREAT 2 YEARS AT WOODBRIDGE AND BENTWATERS. MANY MEMORIES.
Ronald Downham, 12/30/2001, E-Mail at [email protected] . "A" & "D" Flights Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: I was mainly stationed at Woodbridge from 1977-1980. Lived on & off base. Comments: This is a great site thank you for starting it. Thanks Ron! I was a SSgt for the 3 years there and because of my experiences there I stayed in and retired a MSgt in 1994. Security Police forever.
John Downing, 06/13/2001, E-Mail at [email protected], "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1967-1970. Lived on & off base. Comments: "If I could relive any period in my life, it would be my years at Bentwaters. The runs to the Smoke on the 5:19??? the Running Buck, Felixstowe, Saxmunham, both places where I lived for a while. The friends I made and the memories I have are special."
Doug Driessen, 4/13/17, wow, feel much older now seeing this! good to see Steve Lazarus (Captain) from the peacekeeper challenge days is on this page! Any more pics from PK challenge in 1990-91? Charlie flight LE. Email: [email protected] . LE/ 1989-1991.
Romeo E Dube Jr, 02/20/2009, E-Mail at [email protected] . "D" Flight Security,LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: Feb 62 - Sept 64. Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Woodbridge.
Larry D DuChaine ,TSGT ret, 07/05/2011, E-Mail at lduchaine@color-vision,biz . "D" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1980-1982. Lived on base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Bentwater
John Dulaney, 08/25/2004, E-Mail at [email protected] . "A" & "C" Flight LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: Spent my time there from June 91 to June 93. Lived on base. Comments: Man, I have some great memories from that place. From partying in the dorm to Frampton's exercises with the blokes. Looking for Travis Velder, Andrew Falcon, Doug "The Love" Hammer, and anyone who wants to chat about the good ole days.
Lawrence Duncan, 08/26/2003, E-Mail at [email protected] . "A" & "C" Flight Security. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1977-1979. Lived on Woodbridge base. Comments: I've been in touch with Rick England, Mike Ave, Dennis Touhey, Marty Davis and Dan Fritton over the years and would like to keep in touch...
Ted Duda, 07/07/2001, E-Mail at [email protected]. "RAF Bentwaters/Woodbridge, 1970-73. Spent most my time at RAF Woodbridge, Security Police".
Jeff Duggins, 12/29/2009, E-Mail at [email protected] . "A", "B", "C" & "D" Fligvht Security & LE. Period of Stay at RAFs: 1989 - ?. Worked 1 1/2 years at Woodbridge and 1 1/2 years at Bentwaters. Deployed during First Gulf War from Bentwaters to Yuksekova TU and then into Siresenk Iraq. Lived on & off base. Woodbridge or Bentwaters? Lived in Felixstowe Gov't housing and then moved to Woodbridge Base housing.
Roger Dunn, 11/6/17, The best memories. Email: [email protected] . Woodbridge, Security, 1973 - 78
Marcus Durden, 6/28/15, Comments: Worked all three flights at different times, mostly "A" flight. SPCDS operator, CSC and fire team leader. Arrived as a SrA and PCS'd as a SSgt. Reassigned to Lackland AFB after Bentwaters. Retired after 24 years. Currently teach school in Greeneville TN. Email: [email protected] , Security or LE & Years at RAFs: Security three years 1980-1983
name in navy - prior Air or Security Police with the 81st at RAFs Woodbridge and/or Bentwaters
name in blue - USAF at Woodrbidge and/or Bentwaters, affiliation/connection, or honored guest